Sunday, November 29, 2020

Language Acquisition || Language Learning || Mother Tongue || Foreign Language by English for you


Language Acquisition || Language Learning || Mother Tongue    || Foreign Language

Language Acquisition

Refers to the process by which people (children, adolescents, and adults) acquire a language.

Characteristics of Language Acquisition

It is natural because is the result of real interaction between people in natural environment, in order words, people acquire a language when they hear people speaking (based on oral language or communication).

It is based on meaningful interaction; it means that when people acquire a langue, they just focus on meanings not on form.  

It is subconscious in the way that when people acquire a language, they are not aware of it. They do not even know that they are acquiring a language. They just acquire it.

In language acquisition, people produce an ability in language.


Language Learning

Refers to study of the language as system, mainly in its written form. The aim is to understand the structure (form) of the language and produce knowledge about it.

Characteristics of Language Learning

It takes place in classrooms (formal teaching). Moreover, it focus on form and knowledge production, here the students are taught the form and structure of a language and later they produce knowledge based on the form and structure they are introduced by the teacher. For instance, the teacher introduces them the structure of present simple for transitive verbs: Subject+verb+object. The sentence: peter eats bananas. Then the students will be able to write their own sentence based on structure they are introduced (knowledge production).

It is conscious due to the students are aware of learning a language. In addition to this, here the people (students) know that they are learning a language.

Mother Tongue

Mother tongue is the first language of a person. In addition to this, mother tongue is the language a person grows up with it.  For instance, I am from Gaza province, Mozambique. My mother tongue is Changana. It is my mother tongue because I grew up with this.

Foreign Language

Foreign Language is a language that belongs to another people's country. Furthermore, it is not used as official and national language in your country. For instance, Zulu language is a language of South Africa. So in Mozambique, it is considered as foreign language because belong to another country which is South Africa. Further example of foreign language: English, German, French, Afrikaans, etc.


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