To start, I would like to say that anything on the earth has gotten its own advantage and disadvantage. However, I have never heard about disadvantage of English language since I was born.
In this small article,
I will just share my own opinion related to the importance or advantage of English
language. Mainly, for foreign English speakers.
English language
is extremely important due to the following reasons:
First, it is
global language. It means that if you are English speaker, you can communicate
with many people from different countries as well as continents in the world.
Second, it is
language of business. It means you can run your business around the world.
Third, it is
academic language. It means that most of educational materials are written in
Fourth, it is
technological language. In other words, English is the most used in technology.
Finally, it is
language of entertainment. By this, I mean that most films, songs, comedy, video
games, etc, are in English.
English is
extremely important in our lives nowadays. You should know it regardless of
your country, religion, profession, gender, social class, etc.
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